

acute angle

  1. An angle whose measure is between 0° and 90°.
  2. Compare obtuse angle

acute angle

  1. An angle that measures less than ninety degrees but more than zero degrees. ( Compare obtuse angle and right angle .)

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Example Sentences

After riding a few leagues, we turned an acute angle, which brought us into the main road, and we arrived that forenoon in Yca.

Their external orifices are like two slits, which do not lie parallel, but form an acute angle with each other.

She was broken amidship, with the stern and bows both sticking out of the water at an acute angle.

In this first form of the hoe, the point is turned so as to form an acute angle with the handle to which it is attached.

Still marching south-westwards we approached at an acute angle the great main road between Lhasa and Ladak, the so-called tasam.



